Title Date Change Date View
Engineering Technical Letters (ANGETL) Index   View/Download  
ANGETL 04-01 Airfield/Airspace Waiver Request and Renewal   View/Download  
ANGETL 10-04 Military Construction Cooperative Agreements (MCCA)   View/Download  
ANGETL 11-12 Compliance with Handicapped Acessibility Standards   View/Download  
ANGETL 12-05 Design and Construction Handbook   View/Download  
ANGETL 12-07 Preparation of Project Documentation Package   View/Download  
ANGETL 14-01 Authorized Element of Expense Investment Codes and Financial Plan Preparation for Facilities Operations and Maintenance Activities, Environmental, Fire Protection, Activities   View/Download  
ANGETL 14-12 Use of Appendix 21 Facilities Operations and Maintenance Activities (FOMA) Funds to Support Organizational Equipment   View/Download  
ANGETL 14-13 Facility Operations (FO) Policies and Procedures for Janitorial Contracts and Janitorial Services (EEIC 570F8) under Appendix 21, FOMA   View/Download  
ANGETL 14-14 Policies and Procedures   View/Download  
ANGETL 15-01 ANG Design Policy   View/Download  
ANGETL 15-01-01 Sustainable Design, Development, and Resource Conservation   View/Download  
ANGETL 15-01-04 Mechanical Engineering   View/Download  
ANGETL 15-01-05 Electrical and Communications Engineering   View/Download  
ANGETL 15-03 MILCON Project Closeout   View/Download  
ANGETL 16-02 Design and Construction Reports   View/Download  
ANGETL 16-03 Design Meetings and Presentations   View/Download  
ANGETL 17-02 Facility Board Implementation   View/Download  
ANGETL 19-12 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Data Format Specifications   View/Download  
ANGETL 21-13 Sustainment Management Systems Guidance   View/Download  
ANGETL 21-14 Air National Guard Engineering Technical Letter (ANGETL) 21-14, Air National Guard Capitalization and Construction in Progress (CIP) Process   View/Download  
ANGETL 22-11 Programming Guidance   View/Download  
ANGETL 22-12 Policies and Procedures for Calculating Work Order Shop Rates   View/Download  
ANGETL 24-01-02 SCIF & AT Guidance   View/Download  
ANGETL 24-01-03 Fire Protection Design Guidance   View/Download  
ANGETL 24-01-05: Electrical and Communications Engineering   View/Download  
ANGETL 24-01-07 Airfield and Vehicle Pavement Design Guidance   View/Download  
ANGETL 24-02 Air National Guard Design Objectives And Procedures   View/Download