Defense Health Agency (DHA) Mission

The Defense Health Agency is a joint, integrated Combat Support Agency whose mission is to support the National Defense Strategy and Service Military Departments by leading the Military Health System (MHS) as an integrated, highly reliable system of medical training, readiness, and health. As the health care delivery arm of the MHS, DHA manages a global health care network of military and civilian medical professionals and more than 700 military medical treatment facilities (MTFs) around the world. DHA is responsible for driving greater integration of clinical and business processes across the MHS, to include processes for repair of facilities and military construction. DHA Facilities Enterprise provides facility life cycle management for all DHA military MTFs and other assigned facilities to include oversight of planning, design, construction, outfitting & transition, activation, and maintenance/sustainment activities.

DHA Facilities Enterprise (DHA-FE) Criteria & Standards

DHA-FE criteria and standards includes project delivery guidance, templates, and example documents unique to DHA health facility programs. Documents include DHA health facility space planning and personal property (PP) criteria not found in the UFCs or the UFGSs; specifically, furniture, fixtures, equipment (FFE) and communications/low voltage systems (LVS). Content generally aligns with the Construction Specifications Institute's (CSI) MasterFormat® which organizes requirements and other written information into the building industry's standardized format.