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The Sustainable Facilities Tool (SFTool.gov) is an interactive website that shows users how to build, buy, and operate green.

Created by the General Service Administration's Office of Federal High-Performance Green Buildings, SFTool serves as a one stop website to meet all sustainability planning, designing, and procurement needs. Its purpose is to simplify, for both government and private-sector property managers, sustainable building practices and compare options for renovation projects. SFTool helps users learn how to form effective teams and empower them to identify and prioritize cost-effective green building and procurement strategies. It highlights green building best practices, case studies, and relevant regulations with an additional capability to compare building materials and systems across an array of sustainability criteria within an interactive virtual office environment.

You can also earn continuing education credits with SFTool’s Federal Facilities Skills Assessment Tool (FEDSAT) and Green the Building, an educational and interactive workplace game.

Guide & Materials
Acquire Tool