The Facilities Standards for the Public Buildings Service (P100) establishes standards and criteria for the Public Buildings Service (PBS) of the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) owned inventory and lease construction facilities that the Government intends to own or has an option to purchase. This document contains both performance-based standards and prescriptive requirements to be used in the programming, design, and documentation of GSA buildings.
P100 is a mandatory standard. It is not a guideline, textbook, handbook, training manual, nor substitute for technical competence. P100 represents the current state of practice in designing facilities to meet GSA’s commitments, maximize the efficiency of business processes, and comply with the requirements of law.
P100 must be used in conjunction with the governing standards referenced in this document, as well as the building program for each project. If conflicts exist between the facilities standards and a specific program and project requirements, contact the Office of Design and Construction for resolution.