1.5 Hours
0.2 CEU

This recorded webinar educates attendees (federal employees, utility and energy service company representatives) on how they can use eProject Builder (ePB) for their utility energy service contract (UESC) projects. It emphasizes the standardization and transparency benefits of ePB and instructs prospective users on how to use the Excel-based ePB "data template" and online user interface to develop and ultimately archive their projects.


Hannah Stratton, Program Manager, LBNL  

Program manager for Berkeley Lab's Energy Technologies Area (ETA). She supports a number of energy efficiency programs within ETA's portfolio, conducting research and analysis and providing programmatic management, development, and support. This includes eProject Builder, for which she contributes to software development, stakeholder engagement, and training.

Deb Vasquez, Senior Program Leader, National Renewable Energy Laboratory  

Deb Vasquez is the National Renewable Energy Laboratory technical lead for the Federal Energy Management Program's utility energy service contract team. She provides technical support, training, and resource development for federal government energy projects that leverage utility industry capabilities and private financing to improve federal government facilities infrastructure.

Phil Coleman, MS, CEM, CMVP, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory  

Phil is a technical advisor to the Federal Energy Management Program’s energy savings performance contracting (ESPC) program, focusing particularly on utility rates and measurement and verification of savings. Also in support of FEMP, he spearheads an effort to educate federal facilities on energy project incentives, demand response, and time-variable pricing. Internationally, Phil has worked with the governments of Mexico, India, Chile, and Jordan on developing public sector energy conservation programs. He received a Master of Science in energy management and policy from the University of Pennsylvania in 1994 and also holds the Association of Energy Engineers’ Certified Energy Manager (CEM) and Certified Measurement and Verification Professional (CMVP) designations.

Elizabeth Stuart, Program Manager, Researcher, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory  

Elizabeth (Liz) Stuart has worked at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) since 2009. She leads software development and stakeholder engagement for eProject Builder, the U.S. Department of Energy's secure, web-based, energy project data management system. She has been lead or co-author on more than two dozen LBNL reports and peer-reviewed journal articles on a range of topics including energy service company industry market and project trends, measurement and verification, building energy benchmarking, and energy efficiency and demand response programs and policies.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this training, attendees will be able to:

  • Recognize the standardization and transparency benefits of ePB for UESC projects;
  • Understand the seven UESC ePB schedules and how they interrelate;
  • Manipulate schedule variables (e.g., interest and escalation rates, energy conservation measures prices and savings) to conduct sensitivity analyses on a UESC project;
  • Comprehend that use of the ePB data template provides substantial benefits even for agencies who don't plan to use the ePB online system;
  • Develop a compelling argument for why your utility(ies) should use ePB for your UESC project(s).