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This instruction outlines procedures for Unit enhancement, training and implementation of Affiliated Units with Staff Augmentation Teams (S-Teams). This instruction recognizes that the demand for theater engineering assets is high and capitalizes on the opportunity for S-Team and Affiliate Units to train together and be a viable resource to the ANG and the Air Force. By establishing informal relationships at home stations and in training environments, team integrity will be enhanced when deployed together in theater. The S-Team units and Affiliate Units will work together to foster a spirit of cooperation and collaboration to enhance training and increase capabilities. Affiliate Units are still under ADCON and OPCON of their various states, but will train to the same Air Force Instruction 10-210 standards as S-Teams, since they may be mobilized and deployed in support of S-Team missions. This relationship is strictly informal during non mobilization periods but highly encouraged since they will be mobilized into a single unit.